Expanding Human Potential… How do we do it? Change is happening at the speed of imagination. Globalization, digital transformation and new technologies require agile human behavior. This is a powerful interview by Simran Singh on Expanding Human Potential and Performance.
[Music] welcome you have entered the real of 1111 talk radio your host is Simran it’s time to discover your own language with the universe empower yourself broaden your mind open your heart and discover who you are now here’s your host
Simran welcome welcome welcome it is wonderful to be with you again this Wednesday and I have been thinking for a while that there’s so many changes going on in the world people in flux uh sometimes feeling like chaos and yet it can be business as usual often we might change the way we work we might change uh where we are working uh but are we changing how we are working so I decided to have a wonderful guest on that is going to talk a little bit uh about what it means to have a workplace culture culture change and her name is Judy Ryan and she is an author of a book titled just that uh she came into her own Liberation by asking a few certain questions how can we shift our civilization process so rather than diminish people and demean the human Spirit each person is assisted in expanding into their own wholeness She also asked herself what can we do to create a world in which it feels safe to be powerful, influential inventive vulnerable and collaborative and finally what does an organization look like in which people thrive rather than simply survive oh there’s one more how do we avoid that which makes us feel and act like victims and Rebels and adopt that which makes us feel empowered lovable connected and contributing well there’s no more important time than right now to really look at these questions s the world has shifted drastically since Co and we are learning to work in different ways companies have uh shifted where their people are working and it is a time now to really value people over profit and when we do that it does create more productivity Judy Ryan is a CEO of LifeWork Systems and a recognized thought leader on applied Behavioral Science that impacts deep culture change for exceptional outcomes she’s a consultant author columnist trainer keynote speaker and is frequently interviewed on television radio and podcasts since 2002 Judy has been leading Innovation methods to favorably impact the most important aspect of any organization which are its people she has created a digital scalable culture transformation system and implementation framework Judy’s purpose is to create a world in which all people love their lives and you can find find out more about her at Lifeworks systems.com without further Ado welcome Judy to 1111 talk radio it’s a pleasure to have you here thank you Simran I’m super excited to be here I love that you’re all about opening the heart and expanding the mind and how we can be working sort of in tandem with our calling with our Purpose with our guidance all of it so I really you know that component of even bringing our spiritual you know uh halfway to what we’re doing and you’re absolutely right this couldn’t be a a better time than to be looking at our human systems and not only in the workplaces but in our homes and in our schools and so I’m really really happy to be here well I I definitely saw that through reading your book uh you come from that place of of letting people know how important self- responsibility is and self-realization and really looking at things from that emotional landscape as well as that logical and practical landscape and your book truly is an introduction to uh different sets of systems that that really do support and nurture that so that people are fully engaged and people are socially interested um I love the questions that you initially asked in your of yourself and I think the best place to start today is to really first have an overview of what our current dilemma is in whether it’s small business business or whether it’s large corporation what are we really looking at prior to covid and during Covid so that we understand where we need to go from here yeah it’s really funny because some of the most difficult things that we Face are helping people to understand what they don’t know that they don’t know around especially around human systems so in organizations I mean today’s uh one of today’s modern you know well-known figures is bernee brown right she speaks on shame and vul vulnerability and how if we don’t get this part right we’re going to have these ongoing problems well that’s really what’s at the basis of our work is an understanding based on the work of Alfred Adler as to what causes us to go into these uninterrupted struggles both internally and externally with with others and so what happened for me was I was introduced to a concept that is not conventional as early as in the mid 80s and I completely saw the the relevance of it not only for my own life but for what’s going on around me and I’ve kind of always had this feeling that I was building upon that for some future date in which it would be needed and it’s just it’s just so happening that what’s happening with globalization and diversity and inclusion and uh you know speed of change and complexity is leading some of the most Progressive thinkers to this same type of a model which is really about understanding what brings the the greatest Potential from each individual person and and so what I see as being the biggest blind spot and this is we we call this spitting in the soup the biggest blind spot is that people don’t recognize that some of the practices that begin in families and in schools and then continue in workplaces and churches and all kinds of things are the core reason why we get off track in the first place so it’s real fundamental things like helping uh people to appreciate that they have personal power and how to use that power responsibly and in community where they take good care of themselves and they take good care of one another and that’s that’s really the first place we begin is what is it that causes us to go into feelings of inferiority versus feelings of I I can do a lot and I want to be in service with what I can you know how I can use my power well it only makes sense that if we as individuals are a composite of our patterns beliefs behaviors wounds uh and the psyche that we we bring to our everyday life that when we show up in an environment uh and based on the Law of Attraction we attract to us the environment that is going to help amplify both those and our gift skills in town that even environments cultures businesses have their own operating set of patterns beliefs behaviors wounds and areas that are the gift skill and talent and so it’s almost like taking a business and looking at it as a living organis organism but then going back in the way that we do with the human body and making sure that we’re maintaining the health of each and every cell organ and structure within that body yes I I think there are some real core beliefs and practices that uh are so core that I don’t think people consider questioning them uh one of my favorite quotes is by a man named Samuel Arbesman he’s an author and it’s on change blindness and he says we have a problem with change blindness for two primary reasons sometimes we’re exposed to new facts so we’re learning about some new ways of operating as people and yet we don’t want to go out of our way to change because you know it just is effort and then the other one which I think is even more significant is that we don’t want to consider that what we’ve been thinking could be outdated we have no problem upgrading our cell phones or our computers but when it comes to looking at the way that we function as humans and our our beliefs about relationships and how to develop people we don’t like to consider that that’s outdated and and there’s almost even a sense of personal identity crisis for many leaders so if we could just overcome that and look at that um through the lens of wow we get to upgrade we get to we get to improve upon the way that we’re functioning in our most basic human uh practices with each other that topic of change is really important because as we’ve seen this year we can be catapulted into change and have to figure out whether we’re going to sink or Swim so when you’re looking at a culture when you’re looking at an organization how do you assess a culture and what do you look for well part of it is uh one of the things we look for are leaders that have positive you know strong positive egos in other words uh leaders that are really strong in their sense of self and they are not struggling with a sense of worthlessness they’re not threatened by developing other leaders or develop you know helping to strengthen people so that’s one of the things we look for but as they assess their organization they’re more likely to consider some of the things that are right in front of them like our asset of of our people you mentioned in the in the first part of your you know when you introduced me that uh purpose should come first and and not profit and we always say if you put people in purpose first profit follows organically so so part of the way to assess an organization is to be very honest about what’s working what’s not working are we getting mediocre results are we um are there advances that we should be considering are we open-minded enough to explore them are we confident enough to try on things that might be highly unconventional so when we when we help an organization we’re also making sure that they’re ready for change that they’re uh aware of what’s going on in the world and what needs to change it’s really interesting because one of my own instructors was a former mayor and and know everything we do applies in in the work world but it also applies in we’ve done a ton of school reform and you know Community work and things like that nonprofits and she said you need to go in and fix the police departments and I said Terry we don’t do that we go in and we don’t approach it as who’s to blame we go in and we say what system if it were put in place would solve this problem and then we involve all the stakeholders so when we’re helping an organization assess their problems they have to have a certain level of I’m willing to look at what’s working what’s not working what it’s costing us and then what what are the available Solutions out there so that we can determine you know which solution we would need if we agree that we need to change so that part of it we do a lot of very formal assessments through uh you know really looking at all their culture practices and also what are the challenges that they can identify all at once and what are the desired leadership skills that an organization wants and they have kind of an eye opener so when somebody is doing a culture assessment and they’re asked the first question is we have a culture a written culture plan there’s a lot of people out there that see that question and say I didn’t even though I was supposed to have a written culture plan so that’s one way and then we also go in and help organizations to look at things like do our people know our purpose our values our Visions our goals procedures and roles do they even know them and understand them and do they buy into them do we have high trust do we have you know people practicing certain behaviors of trust and do we have a high perception of Employee Engagement with one another and sometimes that’s a huge eye opener so so it’s just like anything if you’re not if you’re in denial you’re not going to be able to assess your workplace culture but if you’re curious and eager and open um you’re going to learn a lot and you’re going to be led to solutions that will you know have been proven recently to work so well it it seems that the leadership team has to be in a state of invitation to the people that work with them and an invitation to truly know the company to truly understand the mission to truly align with the vision uh for for there to be a cohesiveness and everyone kind of buy into that idea and feel like part of the team how does a leadership uh Team or a CEO really create that sense of invitation and engagement and con Connection in an organization when there wasn’t one I would say the most important thing that we see either create success or or doesn’t is a a leadership team that understands that they’re not separate from their organization I know that sounds like a given but it’s not there are a lot of senior leaders who in like intentionally keep themselves separate in fact it was really interesting we were we have uh had a a project one time that was highly successful and uh just real high functioning and one of the mid-level managers was promoted and in a session I had with her she said well now I guess I can’t go to lunch with my friend you know my best friend and I said did you forget we’re in a completely different kind of culture where you don’t have to have that artificial separation as long as you know what your role is as a senior leader see in the old model you couldn’t be a boss and be a friend friend it’s kind of like people think about parenting be a parent not a friend well if you’re using the kind of old school control models you can’t be a friend with people who are going to use domination and uh up up down power over you know I know more than you know but in a a really healthy workplace environment the senior team does not artificially separate themselves so that’s kind of one of the most because they could know all those things that you like they could know the purpose and values and they could talk about them but if they have a whole different set of standards for what they do and how they allow others to do that with them that’s what I see as one of the bigger problems motivated successful and contributing that’s what you need your staff to be to achieve your goals and provide quality service to the clients you serve the world is changing systems must evolve to support these changes or you fall behind without healthy human systems and measures to assess them your tools and strategies fall short human systems are simply structures you put in place to communicate your expectations for how people need to think speak and behave in order to fulfill your organization’s stated purpose this is from Judy Ryan’s book workplace culture change you can find out more about her at life work systems.com uh she schedules corporate events on bridging globalization diversity and technology with emotional intelligence and another Workshop which is are my people being responsible even when no one’s watching she also has programs for individuals who want to develop personally and professionally called should I stay or should I go which is about identifying any relationship in which you can determine if it’s okay to step away or stop trying and when to learn new skills and to make a relationship work all of the above uh events that I’ve listed are free virtual and 2-hour in length and anyone attending must agree to fill out either a culture survey for the corporate topics or a personal one there’s plenty of time allotted for the participation and there’s a limited seating for the first 10 people you can find out more about that at life workk systems.com in addition the new issue of 1111 magazine will be releasing this week I invite you to check it out go back and check out the archives as well we also have a new online course community at 1111 magazine it is The 11-11 Mastermind playground it is filled with some of my amazing past guests and some programs that they have created to support you in expanding your personal power presence and purpose we’ll be right back after these messages with more Judy Ryan and workplace culture [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] change [Applause] have you seen 1111 do you wonder why certain numbers keep showing up in your life 11 111 22 33 444 people all over the world are seeing 1111 and learning the language of universal communication subscribe to 1111 magazine today www.111.com 1111 magazine is a bimonthly print publication that offers a rich multisensory experience as you engage with experts and topics of Consciousness become enlightened empowered and energized so you live a passionate and authentic life of conscious choices 1111 magazine a daily staple for lifting the mindset discovering the heart and stepping into conscious living 1111 magazine order now at www.111.com 111 1
m.com do you want more more joy more abundance more power and presence how would it feel to have more loving relationships more empowered Community greater fulfillment and life purpose The 11-11 Mastermind Community inspires empowers guides and supports transformation shift your mind expand your heart deepen insights let go and chart a new course dream a new dream The 11-11 Mastermind Community is an online portal for personal transformation and Soulful expansion go to courses. 1111 mag.com that’s courses. 11111 mag.com change begins with you let it be simple convenient and transformative the time is now step through the 1111 Gateway courses. 1111 mag.com [Music]
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you are listening to 11-11 talk radio Simran is an award-winning author publisher of 11-11 magazine powerful speaker of wisdom and a life Mentor find out more at I am simon.com now back to 1111 talk
radio before we dive back into our guest today I just want to invite you to go back and listen to any of the archives on 11-11 talk radio the information is timeless there are beautiful change agents and life catalysts uh over the past decade that I’ve had shows and any of the shows will powerfully impact you also go to my website I am Sim I have all of my books there as well as some additional courses that I have created and I have launched some new artwork and I’m really excited about this new Endeavor that I am embarking upon where my soul is truly expressing um some innermost sentiments that I’d love to share with you so check me out at IM siman.com Judy Ryan is CEO of Life work systems and the author of what’s the deal with work culture workplace culture change that’s what’s the deal with workplace culture change she’s a recognized thought leader on applied Behavioral Science that impacts deep culture change for exceptional outcomes you can find out more about her and the different events that she hosts at Lifeworks systems.com change requires we let down our guard many people do not like the feelings they have when they look closely at relationships or habits that need changing or improving Improvement change requires we spend precious time change also requires strong intrinsic motivation when change engages a person’s sense of meaningfulness sense of choice sense of Competency and sense of progress they are more likely to embrace positive change change also requires Faith rather than hope and most of all change requires we build a capacity for it an essential aspect of capacity building should be to increase your staff’s ability to cope with change and to use an integrated and holistic approach rather than the traditional outmoded ways of using control to address problems and organizational change this is from Judy Ryan’s book what’s the deal with workplace culture change welcome back Judy uh I’d love to talk a little bit about the issue of trust I find that uh oftentimes one of the biggest barriers for cohesiveness and communication and productivity in in businesses and companies uh depends on the level of trust that people feel between each other in the organization or the trust that they have on the leadership that is running that organization would you talk a little bit about the importance of trust and the eight values that build that trust absolutely and and I would add to the the trust component do we have trust in ourselves and so much of what has happened to us even well-intended erodes our trust in ourself but to speak on the eight values of trust is one of my favorite topics because in our model trustworthiness between people is the foundation we have even have a picture of a little house and it’s the foundation and most people don’t really know what what you know comprises trustworthiness and they don’t know when they’re doing it and when they’re not doing it and so um like a lot of us we’ve been taught how to be in kind of a fake Community it’s we call it pseudo Community where we’re just pretending everything’s okay and we’re not really being very open and it’s it’s very safe but it’s very boring and then we get into where we finally realize that there are some differences with each other and rather than practice trust with each other we start to do uh these power struggles where it’s I’m right you’re wrong um I’m good you’re bad my job is to fix you convert you heal you and change you and that is that never worked like if you look about two seconds on social media you can see that happening all over the place so I mean that’s the basis of every war it’s the basis of every ISM so how do we get out of that well the eight values that build trust are not involved in either of those two types of Dynamics when we start to build trust with people the first thing we have to do is we have to put down all of those ways that we try to uh hold on to this notion that we we’re supposed to fix you convert you heal you or change you which means we have to let go of a lot of prejudices a lot of ideas of I have to win you know there’s just so much that we need to empty ourselves of and the four four of the eight values that we practice when we’re in that state of mind is we become open and disclosing but not with the agenda to persuade or change someone um we become receptive to what other people are sharing we show deep respect that this is a completely separate human being that is not me and I get to see them as worthy in their own right and they they do the same for me and we start recognizing our differences from a place of curiosity and appreciation and instead of that’s right that’s wrong and that’s bad and that needs to be changed well what happens is that people have to get comfortable with that stage where you’re not trying to change anything and you’re not even offering Solutions and to many of us who are so impatient that feels like a waste of time but but it really is an important step to get to the other four values that build trust where all of a sudden productivity becomes it just goes off the chart so once people know that you respect them and you recognize them and and you’re going to be open with them and there’s no uh you know pressure to change each other no judgment that something bad is in the space then you can start having very real conversations that are super straightforward where you can ask for what you want and you can speak what you expect and there’s just this deep sense of caring so it comes across well and it feels safe you can also be um more honest with each other you can also be really seeking a high level of Excellence with with each other and and that means things like if I say I’m going to do something I do it and so do you and if you don’t we have a conversation about it and that’s where you get a lot done because when any of those eight behaviors are broken and I’ll just say them all in a row uh being honest being straightforward being receptive offering recognition showing respect uh following through on commitment seeking excellence and disclosing and there are no particular order when all of those are occurring you are phenomenally productive we see in the organizations that really adopt not only that these but other Concepts and then how to live them out the engagement levels just are insane and all the barriers just seem to dissolve even the barriers that we typically think of in diversity and inclusion conversations so what I like about it is that when people begin to understand those values they can actually look at a relationship and say oh I can see which one of these are broken and which ones I’m breaking and now I have tools I can apply to fix them and now I can take a relationship that is struggling and I can make it sound again so I hope that is kind of what you were asking about yeah and what I got as you were sharing that Judy in the beginning of the show you talked a lot about uh how you know people come from their family Dynamic and then they move into the business Arena and the things you were speaking about in regard to feeling fixing healing and changing that’s all codependence and by building these factors of trust people are moving into more Independence and then ultimately the organization or the business can work interdependently which really is more of a healthy environment rather than one that is um impacted by unhealthy uh improper boundaries and connections that are going on so it really is very similar to our own personal growth and very much a spiritual approach to business so there is a sense of spirituality in business although it’s probably never been really addressed as that in the business and corporate world there’s not a not openness to talk about it but in my heart of hearts I say I’m teaching practical applications of love and and and also you know when I’m listening to what you’re saying about trust we can’t expect people to be anything but codependent when we use a lot of domination with them it defeats their own uh belief in their power their own belief in their goodness when we’re controlling people we’re holding very fearful limiting beliefs about them you you know you can’t be trusted I have to please you uh you’d be basically selfish if I didn’t dangle a carrot um I I know better than you so I’m going to praise you either as positive or negative which means I’m above you I’m going to pamper you and spoil you because I don’t have faith in you like all of those things are very degrading to our sense of um the ability to be self-motivating and to be even to believe we could manage trust and our you know all kinds of things so that’s kind of where it starts is that’s quite powerful you have a quote in the book from one of my absolute favorite authors Paul farini the choice between love and fear is made every moment in our hearts and Minds that is where the peace process begins without peace within peace in the world is an empty wish like love peace is extended it cannot be brought from the world to the heart it must be brought from each heart to another and thus to all mankind and so when you talk about that dominance and domination that takes place there that really is grounded in fear it is not an act of love um and it it impacts in a negative way to the people around you within the book you talk a bit and you have a question are you controlling or developing your staff and there are four approaches that you discuss within the the book would you talk a little bit about each each one of those yeah I actually just kind of went over them but I’ll just be a little bit more specific about it the four control approaches are one is being autocratic where we believe that people can’t be trusted and the goal is to manage them so we actually think when we have that title manager we’re supposed to manage people we’re really not I I I don’t even know that I like that title because when you see yourself managing you’re not developing um that’s a more obvious one that a lot of organizations are questioning now but what they do instead is they start switching over to using incentives and rewards which is equally a control model because you’re holding the belief that I have to dangle something in front of you or you’re going to just kind of be selfish and lazy and the and the accountability is all about just jump through my hoop and so a lot of people there they don’t realize that the research shows that when people are using incentives and rewards the recipient of that they become less committed to the very things you want them to be committed to and and so all of these things are breaking down that faith that Paul farini talking you know that we can we can’t come from love when we’re coming from Fear by the way I appreciate you knowing who he is because I love his books um but the third one is it’s a real subtle one and it’s real tempting to do because most of us don’t feel so great about ourselves so it’s kind of a way we can puff up and it’s using judgment even if the judgment is I’m so proud of you or go make me go make me proud or if the judgment is um you I’m so disappointed in you because what you’re really saying is I know better than you do and your job is to please me which is very different than encouragement praise or criticism is very different than and encouragement and guidance and then another one that is hard to recognize is when we enable people through pampering and spoiling them where we don’t have faith in them we don’t want to spend our time helping them to learn things like I remember when my five kids were little we would run we would do family meetings together and by the time they were four and five years old they knew how to run the family meeting well I could have pampered them and said let me just do it for you because I’m bigger stronger faster you know and a dominant mother I would have loved to continue steamrolling right but that would have been a form of pampering and spoiling because it would Rob them of what they were capable of and we do this all the time in workplace and we don’t recognize it it’s so subtle so those are all extrinsic motivators which means that we’re motivating people from the outside in which weakens their internal motivation if I can get people to understand that and the fact that that all contributes to an activated inferiority complex which leads to every kind of problem you can imagine every kind of disengagement and shutdown that’s a huge win that’s why we start there because if we don’t spit in that soup we can put all kinds of new tools and ideas on top of that and it’s just garbage because it’s still running on that underlying dominating uh uh dehumanizing disrespectful way of seeing people I don’t know if this is just a a business and organization and culture change book Judy it might now become a parenting book yeah well you know it’s funny because I learned atan psychology in the parenting world and we did massive School Reform projects where we worked with parents teachers School administrators uh the students themselves and a community of neighbors and it was unbelievable we worked in the most at-risk schools to help more kids stay in school and graduate and right now we have a proposal on the table to build a bear to do build a healthy family build a healthy school where those same stakeholders in the community can all learn these skills simultaneously so you’re right we do good human systems apply everywhere when we when we teach this in workplaces people report that this is helping them with their kids when we teach this in education and family they say this is helping me at work so what’s interesting about the workplace is that all of today’s Trends are almost requiring that we change our culture because people cannot keep up if the culture doesn’t support a fully expanded human in each role and ultimately everything boils down to relationship create authentic Community Connection is to humans what water is to fish a key key to our existence and a Cornerstone for our Behavior we are social beings and from infancy we make decisions and set goals in response to our social framework in community we make interpretations then decisions about ourselves about men women life and more and we adopt beliefs and strategies based on these decisions this is from Judy Ryan’s book what’s the deal with workplace culture change I invite you to check out her website life work systems to pick up her book whether you are the CEO of a company uh an organization a small business or a family this will certainly bring you some principles and some ideas that will help you in terms of establishing the type of culture that can be co-creative and positive again you can find out more about her at life work systems.com we’ll be right back after these messages [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you want more more joy more abundance more power and presence how would it feel to have more loving relationships more empowered Community greater fulfillment and life purpose The 11-11 Mastermind Community inspires empowers guides and supports trans information shift your mind expand your heart deepen insights let go and chart a new course dream a new dream The 11-11 Mastermind Community is an online portal for personal transformation and Soulful expansion go to courses. 1111 mag.com that’s courses. 1111 mag.com change begins with you let it be simple convenient and transformative the time is now step through the 1111 Gateway courses. 1111 mag.com [Music] have you seen 1111 do you wonder why certain numbers keep showing up in your life 11 11 22 33 444 people all over the world are seeing 1111 and learning the language of universal communication subscribe to 1111 magazine today www . 1111 mag.com 1111 magazine is a bimonthly print publication that offers a rich multi-sensory experience as you engage with experts and topics of Consciousness become enlightened empowered and energized so you live a passionate and authentic life of conscious choices 1111 magazine a daily staple for lifting the mindset discovering the heart and stepping into conscious living 1111 magazine order now at
www.111.com 1111
m.com it’s your world motivate change succeed voice americ empowerment.com
you are listening to 1111 talk radio Simran is an award-winning author publisher of 1111 magazine powerful speaker of wisdom and a life Mentor find out more at I am simon.com now back to 1111 talk
radio once uh once more I would love to mention 1111 Mastermind playground there are some beautiful courses there by some of the past alumni on 11-11 talk radio and 11-11 magazine there’s a beautiful course on forgiveness by Patrick Paul garlinger a wonderful course on living authentically by Andrea Matthews and if you’ve ever wanted to learn about astrology uh there are the foundations course by Jennifer gel on astrology along with many more things like human design relationships and so much more so definitely go to the website 1111 mag.com and check out some of the beautiful courses that are there you can also uh select the uh complete pass where you uh purchase the subscription and you get full access to all of the courses there with that it is a truly powerful place to access these amazing individuals that are doing great work in the world teamwork does make the Dream Work most people understand significant accomplishments occur through teamwork and yet few organizations get the results from their teams that they expect whether it is a Frontline team in operations or a boardroom meeting getting into alignment as a team is often 90% of the challenge when it comes to a new product fulfilling a client’s need or even a company’s strategy lack of alignment as a team can be a highly debilitating and costly problem you and your employees need to know the difference between a team and a working group they are not the same this is from the book what’s the deal with workplace culture change by Judy Ryan she is a CEO of Life work systems and recognized thought leader on applied Behavioral Science which impacts deep culture change for exceptional outcomes she’s a consultant author columnist trainer and keynote speaker frequently interviewed and she impacts the most important aspects of any organization it’s people you can find out more about her at Lifeworks systems.com and also some of the events that she hosts that are free and virtual uh she does corporate events on bridging globalization divers in technology with emotional intelligence and also are my people being responsible even when no one’s watching there are also individual U workshops and things that you can access uh some of which are titled should I stay or should I go and uh you can find out more about these at Lifeworks systems.com welcome back Judy let’s talk a little bit about that difference between teamwork and a working group they are not the same so what are the distinctions well it’s it’s interesting because we all know we do need teamwork I mean at at the Crux of everything it’s not only teamwork but in today’s world cross functional teamwork where we can work together at all different levels in an organization to create Solutions and systems and to be in a position to Pivot you know pivot quickly to the market that’s changing but what I think is so interesting about team versus working group is a team is not just a group of people all trying to accomplish a goal together that’s what most people would describe a team as a team is one in which you’re doing that but you’re also looking around at your other team members and you’re absolutely making sure that everyone is being wildly successful in their part on the team and what happens instead is most organizations are you know operating from a background of competition and criticism and and judgment and all these things that create us not being supportive not being encouraging and so when we make a commitment to help each other be wildly successful it has a whole different feeling to it I was listening to something on Facebook about a guy who was in a very important I don’t know if his Olympic race or whatever and the guy in front of him got mixed up about whether he had already crossed the finish line and the guy behind him was like go go you haven’t finished you know and people were saying to him why didn’t you just pass him up and beat him you know and he said why would I want to win like that you know and that’s what we don’t remember a lot of the time time when we’re in our workplace culture it’s almost as if being there for each other is a nice to have but not a need to have and I would say it’s the most important thing to have is to have each other’s back is to make sure that we call it having a ten with other people so when we say that trustworthiness is foundational if I look through my workplace and I see oh this person I’m not at a 10 with them then my responsibility above everything else is to work through what is ever you know unresolved doesn’t mean I have to be best friends with that person but it means that I don’t want to leave anything unresolved because it’s going to interfere with that person’s success on the team and My Success on the team and so um hopefully that can kind of I know when I first learned the difference between a team and a working group I really had to look at myself because I was a person who wanted to be the Superstar you know and it it actually is much more fulfilling for me to make sure everybody feels like a superstar that’s that’s quite powerful and it it takes me back to the beginning part of the reading that I opened with having to do with alignment uh we think about alignment in personal growth in our spiritual growth um and we think about aligning with certain people and certain causes but when you’re talking about alignment within an organization um it seems like that is multi-leveled almost like one of those set of dolls within dolls that you keep opening up that that alignment has to be in the individual and then in the team and then in the larger group and then throughout the company talk a little bit about alignment well I am so grateful for the question because in our world alignment is always with high purpose and high purpose is not what like companies a lot of times think purpose is like oh we save dogs you know that’s more of a vision purpose is what are we causing everyone including ourselves especially when we’re at our best so one of the things we do to help people be aligned is we make sure that the organizational purpose is one in which everybody’s included and everybody can picture what you’re causing like ours is to cause a world where people love their lives that means it’s I’m causing that for myself so that I can cause that for everyone and what we also do is help each individual employee go through that process of identifying their purpose and their values the values are always what behaviors help me live that purpose this so uh so when we do an 18month process a culture transformation process in month four we help everybody determine their purpose values Vision goals procedures and roles and it’s called a blueprint we get more push back in that month than any other month and we didn’t know that at first until we did it over and over again and it’s kind of like Maryann Williamson’s quote of our deepest fear is not that we’re inadequate our deepest fear is that we’re powerful beyond measure it’s our light not our darkness that most frightens us and so what I see is that when people get in touch with their purpose they’re afraid it’s too lofty they’re afraid that they’re not worthy to hold it they’re afraid they’re going to fail at it I remember one man his alignment he was one of the owners he goes man if I if I if I see this right I’m supposed to be causing greatness and I go absolutely I see you doing it all over the place and he goes I can’t cause greatness that’s what the Doling llama does and I said who said you can’t be like the dolly llama so I ended up writing an article on that who says you can’t be like the dolly llama but literally for a couple years he could only say I observe greatness which is a whole different level of responsibility than I cause greatness and and part of it was that he was really afraid so what’s nice about purpose is when you have purpose you can ask your people how’s this how’s this fit with us creating a world where people love their lives or how’s this working with your purpose to uh for inspiration transformation and laughter somebody’s enraged you know for example um so alignment is something that we need but when we get into that month people say what does this have to do with work this is stupid I don’t get it you know because it scares them on some level and that fear is such a a place sometimes where true change will happen that can be the place where motivation can step in and we do catapult ourselves uh it it does requ ire that belief like with the gentleman that you just spoke of in your book you talk about four intrinsic motivators and it seems like those would be most important in those moments of fear where we’re we’re about to step into a greater expression of ourselves yes yes when when we talk about the control models we’re really talking about for extrinsic motivators to dismantle and then we teach so what do you replace them with well you it’s a lot of things but one of them is these four intrinsic motivators and the first one is sense of meaningfulness well you can’t get more meaningful than your highest purpose that’s one of the places you do sense of meaningfulness but you also do it around this task like somebody might be doing a really mundane task and when you talk to them about what is the meaningfulness of this they may not know until they think it through oh because I process these mortgage things more people get homes for example and if we don’t spend any time on helping them see the meaningfulness we could teach them all the competency in the world and they’re still not going to feel engaged in what they’re doing so meaningfulness is the very first internal motivator the second one is having choice so a lot of times we just um order people around and tell them how to do things we don’t really open the door for them to be participating that’s why with my kids when we did family meetings we rotated the leadership of the meetings and we helped them to learn how to problem solve it was because it’s internally motivating for them to have choice and and have a voice then we introduce the intrinsic motivator of Competency so you hear about people going into a job and maybe they’re not trained well and so they don’t feel very motivated because they don’t feel very competent and then the fourth intrinsic motivator which is the one I had to work the hardest on is celebrating progress I remember one time we won this big multi you know year school reform project and I had created this vision board on it and it and it even had a a bubble coming out of my mouth saying hey everybody something big is happening you know and it was happening and I wanted to jump right in and my team said could we just stop and celebrate the fact that we just won this huge thing so even something as simple as celebrating progress can be overlooked and yet it will burn us out if we don’t spend time with that yes acknowledgement and celebration is a huge piece both personally and professionally that everyone needs to engage in we only have a few minutes left in the show and I’d love to talk about the role of chaos inside of businesses and how a business can actually benefit from that when it does show up I know right now a lot of places in our world feel like chaos for many people and their worlds have been turned upside down so how do you see chaos uh as a way that might possibly benefit businesses towards change well there’s a phrase called the Kord which is uh chaos you know ordered chaos where you take a chaotic occurrence and you learn how to have a centered position within that chaos and that’s really like right now if you study agility which is a very big Trend right now it’s all about organizing chaos and it’s all about creating strong teams that can simultaneously build portions of a project test them and rebuild if necessary so they’re working within it within chaos chaos is not necessarily the enemy unless we are in a weakened state to deal with what’s in front of us and so when we feel very strongly that we’re supported and we’re empowered and we feel lovable and we feel connected and we feel that our contribution matters and there’s nothing holding us back we can actually see a chaotic thing that’s going on and we can Galvanize around Solutions you can see right now in the world we have un a lot of unhealthy chaos but you also can recognize various players that are extremely influential and from a loving place that look at chaos as the opportunity to grow and evolve so it all comes down to are we creating the conditions and conversations in which people can use that chaos as a catapult to growth and to Innovation and resiliency or do we use that chaos to sink into Despair and into um all those battles internal and external a great question to contemplate and ask yourself a great leader is one who creates other leaders and who at the end of the day has a team of employees who think and feel I did it and we did it you expect greatness and are consistent in helping each develop skills and achieve their successful outcomes you become wise counsel coaching and supporting them to develop their motivation and initiative this is a much tougher job and requires you have faith in their goodness and want them to enjoy the ownership of their role and responsibilities and the pay off is tfold you are now the boss you always imagined and they become the employees you always dreamed of leading this is from Judy Ryan’s book what’s the deal with workplace culture change I invite you to pick up your copy and to visit her website Lifeworks systems.com and get to know more about her and the things that she does next week my guest is Tina Gilbertson and we are going to be discussing reconnecting with the estranged adult child that is a difficult experience when you are not connected with your children and here is an opportunity to learn how to heal that and to grow through it until then I am Simon in love of love with love and as love be
well thank you for opening your mind to a new new reality your heart to Greater compassion and your experience of aliveness with 11-11 talk radio join host Simran next Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. Pacific 11:00 a.m. eastern time to step through the Gateway of conscious living here on The Voice America empowerment Channel remember you are not on the journey you are the
[Music] journey