Orion’s Story on Healthy Culture

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This is the testimonial of a project manager who was enticed away by another company that offered him more money. Shortly after, he came back to his original company because in his words, the new company’s culture “sucked.” This is the power of a healthy culture where people trust one another and work on their trust and support in helping everyone be successful.

Testimonial Transcript

Orion: “I came to CMIT and I was I guess just engulfed in this LifeWorks stuff. It just you know rewires you, right? You get used to being extremely comfortable with your peers with your you know your boss everybody. You start; you get used to feeling you know, worthy. And then, you know, I I got an enticing offer from another company that I ended up taking. And when I got there, I just immediately… it was like, ‘This sucks!’ I end up leaving and just coming back, just based on that. Just because honestly, at CMIT… I was in Marine Corps for five years and you get the sense of brotherhood with the people you’re with. You get that sort of same feeling with camaraderie and closeness because you just have ultimate trust across the board of people.”

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