3-Month Sample CultureEX™ Project Outline

Culture Transformation

A 3-month sample of the CultureEX yearlong transformation process is available for 8 or more people. The sample project is available so first-hand familiarity with monthly tasks and time required  by a pilot team to determine readiness, buy-in, and commitment to a yearlong process.



Culture transformation process: 12 months. Sample: 3 months

Group Size: minimum of 8 participants, representing diversity and levels (Sr. team to front-line staff)

Total Time Commitment for 3 Months: 15 hours. This is a close approximation of
required time for the overall sample period. If one reviews the train-the-trainer modules (as recommended), and is also responsible to lead a group session, the required time commitment may include another 1-3 hours. The same is true for the client lead when they participate in the pre-planning of the sample project.

Benefits: Each participant gains a sense of the rhythm, activities, components, quality, and value in each step of the process, the kind of model, and understands initial and ongoing commitments in time and effort for the full yearlong process.

Price$495 per person


Kickoff Group Session The 2-hour group kickoff session is an introduction to the program, the game plan, and is delivered by a LifeWork Systems consultant.

Benefits: Understanding the scope of work, all steps and timelines, commitments, integration, and application, and how to lead group review sessions.

SAS – Strategic Alignment Survey. This survey in its long form is 73 questions. In this sample project, we measure trust and engagement only.

Benefits: Baselines are established and all gain awareness about obvious and hidden issues, problems, gaps, and priorities.

Ntrinsx Temperament Survey. Ntrinsx is a survey that helps people understand each other’s highest priority values, to better understand how to interact.

Benefits: Ntrinsx makes it easy to learn, store, view, share, and leverage intrinsic (internal) values to improve relationships.

View Individual Module 1, and complete the workbook and post-training survey: What and Why a Responsibility-Based Culture? This session introduces human systems, a responsibility-based culture model, data on engagement, and priority order of relationships to manage for effective functioning. Each person learns two tools to eliminate gossip. This session comes with a downloadable workbook.

Benefits: Individual training, with group reviews, comprise best practice “flipped training,” for clarity and use of new knowledge.AC

MONTH 2 - HOURS: 4.5

Mentoring Session 1. Every person is mentored for 30 minutes of 1 hour. Two participants are guided by a LifeWork Systems consultant.  Mentors are provided the support and understanding of mentoring in this model and are overseen mentoring one another. 

Benefits: Oversight of the mentoring supports participants in experiencing the purposes, pitfalls and processes of mentoring so they able to internalize the mentoring experience.

Group Review Session 1. This 2-hour, participant-led group session is a review, covering the content and its relevance, through group discussion and review of the content from the month before. Review sessions ar part of turning concepts into valued tools and processes.

Leadership of these sessions are rotated by the participants and overseen by a LifeWork Systems consultant. A leader guide and prep session for the leader are provided.

Benefits: Group reviews ensure participants accept responsibility for preparing, delivering, understanding, applying and ownership of the model.

View Individual Module 2, and complete the workbook and post-training surveyEmotional Intelligence and Workplace Culture Evolution. This session introduces human systems and how they are changing, emotional and social intelligence, psychological contracts and personal responsibility.

This session includes two communication tools for making accountable request and agreements and listening to words, logic and feelings. This session includes a downloadable workbook.

Benefits: Individual training, followed by participant-led group review comprises a best practice “flipped training” in which participants engage with the content in a multitude of ways and times.

MONTH 3 - HOURS: 4.5

Mentoring Session 2. Every person is mentored for 30 minutes of 1 hour. Two participants are guided by a LifeWork Systems consultant.  Mentors are provided the support and understanding of mentoring in this model and are overseen mentoring one another. 

Benefits: Oversight of the mentoring supports participants in experiencing the purposes, pitfalls and processes of mentoring so they able to internalize the mentoring experience.

Group Review Session 2. This 2-hour, participant-led group session is a review, covering the content and its relevance, through group discussion and review of the content from the month before. Review sessions ar part of turning concepts into valued tools and processes.

Leadership of these sessions are rotated by the participants and overseen by a LifeWork Systems consultant. A leader guide and prep session for the leader are provided.

Benefits: Group reviews ensure participants accept responsibility for preparing, delivering, understanding, applying and ownership of the model.

View Individual Module 3, and complete the workbook and post-training surveySystemic Change: What Are We Transforming From, Into? This session introduces control vs. responsibility-based approaches, self-and other-directed behavior, the effects of self-deception and self-betrayal, and the four core needs.

This session includes tools for restructuring frustrations and encouragement strategies. This session includes a downloadable workbook.

Benefits: Individual training, followed by participant-led group review comprises a best practice “flipped training” in which participants engage with the content in a multitude of ways and times.

About Judy Ryan

JUDY RYAN is CEO of LifeWork Systems and a recognized thought leader on applied behavioral science that impacts deep culture change for exceptional outcomes. She is an award-winning author, columnist, system developer, consultant, trainer, keynote speaker and is frequently interviewed on TV, radio, and podcasts. Since 2002, Judy has been leading innovative methods to favorably impact the most important aspect of any organization: its people. She has created a digital, scalable culture transformation system and implementation framework. Judy’s purpose is to create a world in which all people love their lives.
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