Today it is increasingly more important to get potential clients to Know, Like, and Trust you and your business quickly and effectively.When you focus on the relationships you have with customers and staff and show them that you actually care, you create fans everywhere.
On the show, we interview top performers in their industry like Judy Ryan. It is a fun marketing show where we get to Know, Like, and Trust our guests. So come with us to spin the wheel of KLT that picks out on-the-spot questions to have fun getting to know like and trust the incredible people we have on the show.
Judy Ryan’s culture transformation process and framework makes an impact that stays with people long after they learn. This is because she provides a way of being that becomes instilled in people at all ages in all roles. She translates culture evolution theory into actionable, concrete realities. She provides a new language and set of standardized professional behaviors that rely on best practices, intuition, and that push past limiting beliefs, allowing everyone to step into a powerful future. Judy’s work is her calling and that’s reflected in her mission to Create a world in which all people love their lives.
you’re listening to No like and Trust by stampede digital systems as a pioneer of the no like and Trust movement Stampede guides listeners through the marketing process with real life examples of successful individuals Today’s Show highlights a business owner who offers a valuable service making a powerful impact on the world with your host Troy
Campbell welcome to the no like and Trust podcast uh so glad to talk with you all today uh we have a wonderful guest I just am so excited to introduce you all to her name is Judy Ryan she is the CEO of Life Works systems um when B tolin saw a piano he saw a symphony when Judy Ryan meets people she sees the Unseen Beauty and Truth between beneath the surface and uncovers it and that truth the one that’s really happening under the surface is what we all need to see the old ways of understanding human systems aren’t working anymore the way of superior versus inferior or management versus employee or parent versus child they never really did not with lasting serious negative side effects and our world is suffering because of this we need a powerful positive and sustainable transformation judies cultural transformation process and framework makes an impact that stays with people long after they learn this is because she provides a way of being that becomes instilled in people at all ages in all roles she translates culture Evolution Theory into actionable concrete realities she provides a new language and set of standardized professional behaviors that rely on best practices intuition and that that push past limiting beliefs allowing everyone to step into a powerful future Judy’s work is her calling and that reflects in her mission to create a world in which all people love their lives so a warm welcome to Judy thank you for joining us today how are you thank you Troy I really appreciate being invited on the show and I love the concept no like and Trust we need to make time for that so thank you you bet yeah that the purpose of the show really is um introducing Concepts and ideas just from the lives of the people who are working and struggling to figure out how to get people to know like and trust them so we can do business with them and and so we’re love we’re glad to have you on the show um because I I know that everything you’re doing really speaks to that message thank you so I do my best on this so the first first thing I want the first question we always ask is really really about you about your story how you ended up where you’re at and kind of your why okay great well um I you know as I was listening to you uh introduce me about how the human systems aren’t working I just recently heard a news reporter say uh you know one of the politicians say the good old days weren’t really so great and um I wrote an article called you know are you seeking the good old days were they so great so it was kind of ironic but i’ I’ve known from the time I was a little girl been very sensitized to win- lose Dynamics and I never understood it I just have that mind and that heart that says why are we being this win- lose with each other and I happened to be raised in a family that was very socialm minded but also had a lot of fear and limiting beliefs about things so when I was old enough to have my own family I wanted to take some of the great things about my childhood and include them but I also wanted to have a more courageous kind of Heroes Journey for my kids I want wanted them to know like and Trust themselves it’s kind of funny it kind of goes with your theme um and so I I was a Seeker as a parent I was a Seeker to find out what could I do to help my kids be conscious of others which I was taught but also feel good about who they are and I happened upon a particular psychology model based on the work of Al Alfred Adler and that was really important to me because what happened is as I learned the approach that I learned which is you know still somewhat counterculture it’s starting to come into its own I felt so liberated I felt like it was a lot of missing pieces that helped me to heal things that had happened for me in life right and also to see a way to help other people and by that what I mean is that in our way of raising human beings and families schools and even in business we do all kinds of crazy crazy things to try to help them be good citizens and most of the things we’re doing make them feel less make them feel inferior and so once I stumbled upon a model that actually is an encouraging and you know helps people to become really expanded in being not only creative and Innovative but also helpful and generous and caring um it was like the best of all worlds and so now then it became how do I help more people get this right so it you know that’s kind of uh sounds a little vague but Adler was actually around during the time of the bigger you know psychologist like fre and young but he didn’t get as much press and I really believe it’s because his psychology is a disruption to the win- lose power games that we play and so I read a book about him last year that said that he had been about a hundred years ahead of his time and I had been saying that since the 80s so that was kind of validating and um and so what I realize is a hundred years ahead of his time puts him right now and I’ve kind of known for at least 20 years that what I’m doing was sort of out ahead of itself and I’m real excited because it feels like it’s coming into its own right now but what that meant to my family was that we had a really unconventional uh family where we learned how to stop using punishment and threatening and bribing to get good behavior and we were able to teach our children how to be uh have certain conditions so that they felt really strong in their care of themselves but also their care of other people yeah and that was like the winning solution and I to this day I’m passionate about it but I get frustrated because how can people not see that what they’re doing is just continuously repeating kind of a negative pattern I see that happening way more than it’s not happening that makes sense um yeah most of most of us are on autopilot we don’t don’t we don’t intentionally start our business we don’t intentionally raise our children we don’t intentionally participate in ciic society we just go along and and and not ever think that there could be uh a way to frame it and behave um that’s that’s more uh helpful beneficial yeah I I think we’re so in it it’s like we can’t even recognize that we’re in it and so the the first thing we always do is called spitting in the soup which means we challenge the very cultures of control that are being used and they’re still being used even if they have a velvet glove like I’m gonna dangle a carrot in front of you or I’m going to praise you or or criticize you or I’m going to pamper you and spoil you those don’t feel like control models but they are and so we take those along with the more autocratic ways of Behaving and we we really spit in the soup of that because you could bring in all kinds of great ideas but if you don’t have that part dismantled it’s it’s really going to be a failure over and over and over again and so you’re right we’re on autopilot you’re right we don’t necessarily question the foundational pieces like
that well that’s that is so fascinating um and so so this is this was really part of your hero’s journey you mentioned that earlier and I love the hero’s journey the the Luke Skywalker you know getting his magic sword and saying I’m on a quest to to solve something um and and and and so then so then as as you as you went through your he’s journey and you found those answers now suddenly you’ve become the senx you know the the the wise person you know the Ben Kenobi in the story U and now you can mentor others and help them and that’s that’s your passion I feel so grateful that it is my passion because because I I almost sort of stumbled into it although I was always a Seeker but um and I don’t even know that I considered it a hero’s journey I just realized recently that it was sort of against the stream and in that sense it took courage but I also find joy in healing Solutions and so uh so that’s why I got crazy passionate about it because I could see how incredibly lifegiving it was and how much suffering could be alleviated if people just understood a little bit differently and in some cases a lot differently so I what I wanted is I wanted to care for the individual and the collective I’ve seen it both the other way where you care about developing the individual and people become very self-centered and very entitled and I’ve seen it where the individual is almost shunned as important and it’s all about the group and and neither of those extremes work exactly exactly there’s that Duality and and and both need to be served yes yeah what’s good for the state is good for the individual what’s good for the individual is good for the state exactly I think I heard um Marcus Aurelius said something similar yes um so okay so now now we have um who are you helping the so now we have these young Heroes out there um who would you who would you say are the people that you’re um really looking to serve and help um and and help along their Heroes Journey give them that magic sword of changing their culture changing those foundations so that they can accomplish their goals and dreams I would say the the biggest answer to that are people that have really big positive egos I know ego doesn’t have a very good um connotation but people that have really big positive loving caring egos are people who uh are sort of U Fearless about devel veloping other people and helping people to create win-win so when I when I think about who do I bring this to at best it’s the people that have that courage and that say I want to Value people more than even profit and I want to Value purpose more than profit not eliminating profit but knowing profit will follow organically if I make my people and my purpose important and that’s not um that’s not a simple person that’s a very uh caring person that it’s a leader who is willing to develop other leaders now on a on an actual uh pragmatic level it’s often people that are suffering they’re either suffering because of complexity or speed of change or they’re suffering because they’re having uh mergers and Acquisitions or they’re having a lot of turnover and they are maybe they just have a ve very challenging set of circumstances like education or long-term care right now everybody’s kind of in that category of going through through a lot of a lot of suffering um but unfortunately suffering is often what brings people to say there’s got to be something better than this right so uh so that’s kind of a big part of who we serve people come to us because hey we’ve just got this weaking turnover of employees and we don’t know how to fix it or what’s wrong or we’re dealing with a new trend in agile technology and the technology um is further advanced than the people skills that are needed yeah and so that they start to recognize there’s got to be an answer for that uh we also find that people that come to us are people that recognize that they’re just at uh low score so I’m sort of shocked sometimes that we get disengagement scores year after year from the Gallup organization yeah and every year they’re around 70% that there’s disengagement and out of that group there’s almost you know 16% that are massively causing problems even costing thousands of dollars per person and and I think a lot of people just think well that’s the way life goes but when when this model is brought in that we use based on Adler we like in a prison system where it’s normally about the same amount of repeat reincarceration right repeating the offensive and going in a cycle of crime it’s about the same as our disengagement level it’s about around 60 to 70% Nationwide and when this model was brought into a prison that recidivism rate went down to 4% and that’s what we see in our client sites we see people that recognize they have a problem are willing to use this culture transformation process that we bring to them and they really hold with it and they work through their discomfort the results are incredible I have a a a healthc Care Organization right now who literally has to design Solutions on the fly it’s Healthcare it for a large organization it’s about a group of about 60 people and I keep getting reports on how well they’re working together because they don’t have to overcome all the typical problems of low trust low engagement you know that sort of thing right yeah um that’s I think that’s a huge I love that story about the prison um I’ve often thought why do we put these guys in a box and let them create their own culture and then we let them out later that’s just that’s just crazy well not not only do we let them create their own culture we support them in being in a Monster Box in our minds yes yes where is when people went in with this adarian approach I’m sure excuse me I’m sure that they recognized okay these are the conditions and conversations that you and I both want because what what I teach is that if you create the right conditions and conversations people will not go into what’s called inferiority complex so we know we have all heard that phrase inferiority complex Adler was the one who actually coined that phrase oh okay and there’s a new person today beray Brown who speaks on the same topic she just calls it shame and vulnerability but she’s really saying the same thing if we don’t deal with this high level of Shame and inferiority people will consistently go into uninterrupted struggles right and so in the prisons those are just an obvious example of uninterrupted struggles but if we know the conditions that create people to not go into those struggles we can go to a prison and we can say hey you’re no different than I am you want the same conditions and conversations that I want you just have less faith that you know how to find them in a productive way so let’s take you out of the Monster Box let’s you take you out of the monster box and so yeah they do create their own culture because they’re discouraging to begin with are they wouldn’t be misbehaving the way that they are right yeah but you know if we as a society hold them in this place of you’re bad I’m good we just created their problem to be bigger yep yeah and and and we can end up doing that in our businesses in our families we can create our own little prisons and our monster boxes we we actually do because when we use the control models and people get worse we think we just need to put more control in right okay I gave them a carrot and now they’re wanting you know now they’re even doing less work I guess I better do bigger Rewards or bigger threats you know it’s it’s really a self-fulfilling negative prophecy to use control yeah models but people don’t make that they don’t connect those dots so they just continue to make the situation worse the beatings will continue until morale has improved yeah only these are I like to think of them as some of these are beatings with a velvet glove so you can’t understand what’s wrong with them right yes it’s yeah it’s not obvious it’s it’s um I always like to try to have as much compassion for our illnesses and screw-ups as possible and it’s yeah it is very challenging to see it I love it that you said compassion because when we go into work with the client we tell them this transformation transformation is not for the faint of heart but you will get through it if you maintain compassion and curiosity right if you there are a lot of people when they learn our model they’re like Why didn’t I learned this years ago because nobody gave it to you yeah yeah that’s it that’s it um I I love it um uh thank you so much for that uh so inspiring now so so we have kind of an idea of who you are and what motivates you your why and we’re we’ve gotten a really good picture of who you’re trying to help so um and a lot of our uh entrepreneurialist listeners are kind of in the same same situation they really love the people that and they they know who they are they want to help um what have you experienced how do you connect and find those people um something that has made the difference for you or could make the difference for our listeners I appreciate that question more than you know because when you’re in a business like I am the biggest challenge we have is people don’t even know what they don’t know so the best Market that we have is a market that is aware of what’s happening in the world today what’s they’re aware of the the increasing speed of change the globalization the complexity where the uh technolog is going where diversity and inclusion are going so some markets are very much heading in the sand so um the best thing a person can do if they’re running a business is to gain the awareness they need so that they can stay Innovative and have the uh you know stay ahead of the competition and do everything they can so that they don’t get wiped out I mean when you look at the Fortune 500 from 1955 only 22 of them are left so having awareness is huge and and and a practical thing I would offer to people that are listening is go to our website and look up the industry articles we’ve put on there we have 180 of our own but there is a category called industry articles and it just helps you connect the dots between Ash if we’re getting into digital transformation we better understand what kind of culture needs are important for that if we’re getting into agile Enterprise agile or agile technology or if we’re getting into um diversity and inclusion what kind of culture supports that Trend or that need so awareness is huge um when we look at a market we look at do they have awareness do they have needs do they have passion and conviction about making improvements I know organizations and I don’t even want to name Industries but I know whole Industries that they’re almost risk averse so bad that they appear to be complacent and sort of like victims because they’re afraid to try something new so or they see the need but they become comfortable with the need oh yeah we we lose 8 million a year but we’re used to losing that we don’t know what this $250,000 thing is that you’re bringing in even though you’re telling us you’re gon to help us cut our turnover right you know so so we really look for people who are aware they know that they have a need they have passion and conviction about Improvement and they’re Innovative and somewhat courageous and of course they have to have money if they don’t invest money and most companies have money they just don’t see the value AB of investing it in in u the way that they run their their whole culture right yes um that’s that’s I think one of the most important things I think you just to highlight some of those things that you said that that I see is qualify them right um but then also find the people who are having that that first step in that hero’s journey is to have that event where they’re suddenly saying there’s things that I know that I don’t know and and that and then now they’re open now and finding the people that are open um and it sounds like that’s who you’re searching for and who you’re who you’re focusing on yeah I mean there’s one of my favorite quotes this past year has been by a man named Sam arbisman who wrote a book about the halflife of you know every truth has a half-life because we’re constantly in change and he said that the problem we have with change blindness is twofold one we can be exposed to all kinds of information like there’s tons of information out there about what’s happening not only with the trends today but what’s happening with culture in relationship to the trends but but people don’t necessarily want to go out of their way to change like I just became a vegan in in January I have to go out of my way to be a vegan that’s hard yeah I mean it’s not excruciating but it definitely takes effort and then the other thing that people have to do when they’re changing is be willing to question their existing belief systems and practices and consider that they could be outdated now that sounds like a somewhat easy thing if you’re just upgrading a phone you know most of us expect our phone to get upgraded every couple years but if you go to somebody and say do you know that your thoughts about how you’re running your people systems are very outdated that’s very threatening to a lot of people yes because they they almost feel like they’re going to lose their relevance and become outdated if they admit maybe it needs an update right I I would think for me it’s one of the um foundations of Entrepreneurship is that is doing that because it feels like failure but but failure is good um if you can move past it if you can I like it that you said it that way because it does feel like failure but think about when you get a new phone you feel excited about all the things that it can do like I have a recent new phone and it lasts the battery lasts forever you know which I love so if I can paint the picture what I would tell business owners and leaders is you’re G to like yourself so much more exactly when you create these conditions that allow people to become very empowered feel very seen heard and appreciated which is a a form of feeling lovable lovable does not mean being loved this was huge for me when I got into this work my parents Lov the heck out of us they made it safe they invested in us they gave us affection but they didn’t know how to listen to us or understand us as separate people right so if if you are a leader that creates the right conditions your people feel empowered they feel SE seen and heard and and and known and respected and received and they also feel connected in a way that is not typical and they feel that their contributions matter and that they’re invited to contribute and it it’s a a leader that has that experience would never want to go back they would never want to go back to control models but they it’s just hard for them to Envision an environment like that wonderful wonderful thank you so much for that I uh I really think it’s uh relevant uh especially now technology has um almost decentralized a lot of our operations and in that decentralization we need especially um better cultural models to work through um we have to have people who are at home that can be um motivated from the inside not from kind of top down and and so this is a a really good model just for how how our our current um Market is is being set up and being created you you are so spoton and I mean there’s been a lot of companies that have been going through struggles even within the same offices right because they’re policing all the time and they’re they’re helicopter managers and helicopter parents but if they start to recognize oh my gosh I in this condition of the pandemic I can’t even be there to police them right that’s when it it really becomes evident have if you’ve developed your people to be internally motivated and to be really have a part in using their power rightly you will find that you have nothing to be afraid of but most people haven’t developed that in people and they don’t even know how to begin uh even as simple as can people have a decent conversation with their authority figure yeah if they if they’re in um any need of any kind um the more commun we are as a community the less problems we have between people and their authority figures but we’re not very communal we’re very um I’m right you’re wrong I win you lose exactly exactly well Judy uh we have learned to uh know you and uh like you love you and trust you so thank you so much for being on our show today um I would love to to let you share your contact information uh we always love in marketing we always need with every content we do call to action and so we’d love to um let you give out your contact information so that when we hear this we can um find out how to connect with you um and take advantage of your uh Services well thank you for the invite for that and I just want to encourage anybody listening I would encourage you to take the action of reaching out to me on LinkedIn or Facebook or even my email so my LinkedIn is is Judy Ryan or you can go to life work systems and life and work are singular systems is plural so life work is one word and then systems um my email and website are the same Judy Lifeworks systems.com my website is Lifeworks systems.com and the same for Facebook you can go to life work systems or Judy Ryan and and then if you go on my website you can call me my phone number’s on there my email address is on there um to me I you can only know like and trust someone if you connect with them about your story and I will make all the time you want for that I’m not going to rush you through your story I love to hear your story so please reach out and get to know me and let me get to know you and um if you are a person that just likes a lot of information first before you take something like that go to see our articles there’s over 200 go to those industry articles that are written by Forbes and Inc uh go take some of our free webinars go go read my book it’s a downloadable free free thing that you can have or you can go and buy it and get it you know in hard copy but it’s available for you right there on the website so I don’t think I’ve forgotten anything on that the only thing I would add is I noticed on your Lifeworks systems.com uh website there’s a survey that people can take about and get a cultural report I can’t even believe I forgot to say that yeah the survey is really intended for one executive leader or somebody that’s responsible for the culture practices and it’s really almost a selfcheck on do we have all these practices in place and if we don’t you know what’s the priority to begin even if it’s not with life work systems just even having that information is helpful so when people do fill that survey out we support them by sending back a value packed report about what their scores are what they need to focus on first all of that kind of thing wonderful um well thank you again um thank you listener we are so honored that you’re listening to this the podcast and we hope you keep coming back um Stampede web.com is our website uh we’re Stampede digital systems we do podcasting web development web design Facebook marketing LinkedIn marketing pretty much a full digital uh marketing company and can help you with your logos uh videography photography just give us a call let us know we’re at your service and thank you again Judy thank you Troy I really know like and trust you too I’ll even say it the way you said it I know love and trust you already thank you thank you you have been listening to No like trust by stampede digital systems a part of the Stampede podcast Network the questions from today’s interview have been adapted and simplified from the powerful marketing tool the sales site blueprint to learn more and get the full set of questions to start your business on the no like trust path download your free sales site blueprint today from stamped web.com that’s stamped web.com until next time this is B Rich signing out [Applause]