Your time is valuable. The best way to explore your personal or professional development is to discuss your dreams, what you want to create next, and your desired goals for growth, to determine how LifeWork Systems can best support you!
In order to support you fully, first we'd like to gain key insights from you
In order to better understand your unique transitions, interests, goals, challenges, and dreams, please complete this personal and professional development survey prior to your consult.
Here are just some reason’s you may want to sit down and talk with us:
I’m in a significant transition (a move, divorce, career change, birth of a child)
I am struggling with a lack of clarity and direction
My confidence could be better. I often second-guess myself
Sometimes I suffer from stress, anxiety, depression, or burnout
There are relationships with friends, family, or coworkers that are challenging
I am struggling with parenting young children, teens (or both)
Find a fulfilling, supportive, romantic relationship is very important to me
Growing in leadership skills would support me in getting a promotion I seek
These are just a few possibilities to consider as you complete the assessment above. The world is changing in unprecedented ways at this time with speed of change, new technology, and unique world trends and happenings. No longer can we neglect to learn vital emotional and social intelligence skills and gain the support, strategies, and tools needed to feel competent, confident and aligned with who we most want to be.