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Personal Development Memberships

For the most advanced, comprehensive, proven, personal development you will ever find!
See Pricing Options Below
Want to develop personally so you enjoy and succeed fully in your life?

Love YOUR Life. Confidently and competently

Friends chatting and having lunch

You seek excellence. As a lifelong learner you value improvement, healthy relationships, and personal development.

Develop On Purpose
Family meeting at the table to discuss chores

You are confident and competent. You commit to your growth and development and as a result, you stand out.

Stand Out Spectacularly
Runs in a race one women high fiving a on looker

You like personal development because it gives you an edge in being an exceptional person, friend, partner, and citizen.

Maintain Your Edge

Personal Development Membership Options

Our memberships are for individuals or groups. Topics include:

  • how to build trust and teamwork
  • communicate effectively
  • redirect negative behavior
  • understand yourself and others, and
  • create from success and your best self.

You gain new, relevant concepts, terms, tools, and processes.

We offer two payment plans: monthly or yearly*.

Judy Ryan

Trainer • Coach • Expert

Choose From 2 Options


Development Membership

Option 1
$ 55 Monthly
  • Online Self-Paced eLearning
  • Covering 10 Relevant Topics
  • Approx. 25 hrs of training
  • Online Workbooks (Fillable PDF)
  • Access 24/7
  • $1,130 when sold separately
Limited Time

Development Membership

Option 1
$ 570 Annually
  • Online Self-Paced eLearning
  • Covering 10 Relevant Topics
  • Approx. 25 hrs of training
  • Online Workbooks (Fillable PDF)
  • Access 24/7
  • Additional 10% Savings
  • $1,130 when sold separately
Save 10%

Development Membership

Option 2
$ 180 Monhtly
  • Online Self-Paced eLearning
  • Covering 11 Relevant Topics
  • Approx. 30 hrs of training
  • Online Workbooks (Fillable PDF)
  • Temperament Assessment Included
  • Monthly 1-hour Coaching Session
  • Access 24/7
  • $4,270 when sold separately
Limited Time

Development Membership

Option 2
$ 1,700 Annually
  • Online Self-Paced eLearning
  • Covering 11 Relevant Topics
  • Approx. 30 hrs of training
  • Online Workbooks (Fillable PDF)
  • Temperament Assessment Included
  • Monthly 1-hour Coaching Session
  • Access 24/7
  • Additional 20% Savings
  • $4,270 when sold separately
Save 20%

Featured TV Interviews

“One of the things we do that causes so much strain in our lives is to be unaware of what’s going on in ourselves.”

Emotional Intelligence is being self-aware, able to manage ourselves, being aware of others, and able to manage our relationships with others.”

~ Judy Ryan, from Great Day STL Interview

Why We Are Different?

LifeWork Systems has a proven track record of empowering people to create caring, trusting, psychologically safe relationships even when people are facing challenging, negative behaviors.

Testimonials on Personal Development

This clip is about understanding what builds and breaks trust. Knowing this is key to creating effective, healthy relationships.

This clip is about how important effective communication is in your life and why it is such a vital part of personal development.

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