Problems we solve

LifeWork Systems solves relationship, productivity and engagement problems common to most people and organizations.

Expanding Human Potential

“Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.”

Patrick Lencioni, Author


The U.S. spends $11B annually on staff disengagement; 71% of all employees disengage partially or fully. (Gallup)


Unhappy people don’t do more than the minimum; great workers who don’t feel appreciated quit and poor managers negatively affect productivity. (Harvard Business Review)


16% of people are grossly under-performing, harassing, sabotaging, costing an average of $256K per 100 people and they repel your best people. (Gallup)


Rehiring and onboarding can cost 200% of salaries (Bonusly) and $1.4M annually for every 100 people. (Gallup) Turnover costs for all US companies is $160B a year (Wrike)


High performers deliver up to 400% more than their mediocre counterparts. They leave when there’s mediocre or sabotaging behavior from others. (Harvard Business Review)


Change is happening at the speed of imagination. Globalization, digital transformation and new technologies require agile human behavior.

“Most business problems are fundamentally human problems and they tend to persist as long as we try to fix them in the same mechanical way we do machines.”

Tony Schwartz – CEO, The Energy Project

Managing Change


Digital transformation, agile software development, IOT, AI are just some of what’s trending. All require a mature human system and agile behaviors to ensure an ROI.


Leaders and followers both play a major role influencing each other and co-shaping their perceptions and behaviors, crucial to your business agility. (Howell & Shamir)


Research demonstrates that superior human capital practices are not only correlated with financial return, they are in fact, a leading indicator of increased shareholder value. (APA Psychnet)


Only 12% of the Fortune 500 companies from 1955 are still in business and last year alone, 26% fell off the list. (Deloitte Touche) Failure to evolve is detrimental to your business.


When people do not experience the right conditions and conversations they sink into uninterrupted struggles internally and externally, causing untold losses in wellbeing and productivity.

Dissolving Barriers

“Businesses often forget about the culture, and ultimately, they suffer for it because you can’t deliver good service from unhappy employees.”

Tony Hsieh – former CEO, Zappos


Companies with a diverse workforce are 35% more likely to outperform those without diversity initiatives. (McKinsey and Company)


Costs related to millennial employees are over $30.5B per year. (Gallup)


Job stress costs the U.S. industry more than $300B per year in absenteeism, turnover, diminished productivity and medical, legal and insurance costs. (American Institute on Stress)


When organizations convene groups of individuals with diverse knowledge to develop a new product or service or solve a complex problem, the challenges of teamwork are particularly intense. (Edmondson and Nembhard)

How Lifework Systems Helps

“Culture lives in the collective hearts and habits of people and their shared perception of how things are to be done.”

Judy Ryan – CEO, LifeWork Systems

Transforming Human Systems

We support your organization by teaching you to create conditions and conversations in which your people become courageous, discerning, decisive and compassionate, expanding solo and team potentialities. We assist your senior team in effectively transferring responsibility for performance to all staff, allowing your leaders to focus on the growth and future stability of the business. Then, top talent is attracted to the maturity of your organization.

To stay innovative and relevant, you need a proven plan and roadmap, delivered through today’s technologies so that all of your people become competent, free to focus on collaborating and innovating rather than putting out fires. Together, you learn to identify and dismantle conditions that dampen initiative, and replace them with empowering ones. Your diverse and ever-changing workforce comes to understand what causes dehumanization and separation and learns to address root causes, breaking down all barriers. Our vision for all of our customers is competency in dynamic cross-functional teamwork.

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