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Redirecting Negative Behavior

The most helpful online course you’ll ever find to build your confidence in managing difficult situations!
Course price: $175
Are you frustrated and need a solution?

Gain Confidence.

Women avoiding each other

Selling your soul to avoid conflict? Afraid you’ll make things worse? Want to feel confident addressing bad behavior?

Let Us Show You How
Skeptical Woman with arms crossed

Want to take someone down because they act superior, like God's gift to the world, and make you and others feel put down?

We Have A Better Idea
Stressed and sweaty man in office environment

Worried about someone who’s pitiful, stressed, underperforming, not coping? They lack confidence. Out of ideas?

We Have A Solution

Find out how we help today!

Check out our Redirecting Negative Behavior course.

Redirecting Negative Behavior

A 6-Hour Online Training Program

Challenged by poor behavior? What do you do, think and say when people annoy, anger, hurt, worry or insult you? In this program, you learn about redirect, an alternative to harshness, punishment, permissiveness, or bribing to effect positive change when faced with under-performance and counter-productive behavior.

This online program is for anyone challenged with poor behavior in adults and children, wanting an effective resolution that preserves the dignity of each and heals all involved, while improving relationships.

Judy Ryan

Trainer • Coach • Expert

Featured TV Interviews

One of the things we do that causes so much strain in our lives is to be unaware of what’s going on in ourselves.”

Emotional Intelligence is being self-aware, able to manage ourselves, being aware of others, and able to manage our relationships with others.

~ Judy Ryan, from Great Day STL Interview

Why We Are Different?

LifeWork Systems has a proven track record of empowering people to create caring, trusting, psychologically safe relationships even when people are facing challenging, negative behaviors.

Testimonials on Redirecting Negative Behavior

An Operations Executive describes what was different after redirecting a difficult physician relationship.

Parents and teachers speak about the benefits of redirecting negative behavior in adults and children.

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