Speaking Topic Details

Don’t Hold Up Progress, Hold Up Your End Of The Bargain

Challenged by people being irresponsible? Failing to follow through on, or deliver expected results? Halting progress? In this presentation, participants are led through a process enabling each to understand reasons for high or low accountability in adults or children, in every kind of setting.
60 - 90 Minutes
Additional Details:
Depending upon your interests and audience, you may wish to complete one or both assessments.


In this presentation, participants learn what it really means to be accountable, and the conditions, communications and strategies that support accountability in others, including what relationships they need to manage in order to effectively lead others to become accountable.

The intention of this presentation is to explore how accountability and the development of leadership within everyone, at every level, in every role, can dramatically influence life, work, and all relationships. This topic enables participants to become effective leaders who cultivate personal responsibility and self-management in a respectful and conscious manner.

Areas Covered

  • The Mindset of Accountability and Alignment
  • Differences Between Co-Dependency and Inter-Dependency
  • Task Ownership and Distributed Leadership Development
  • Change Blindness
  • Long-Standing Practices That Impede Accountability
  • Conditions and Conversation to Foster Accountability
  • Tools for Promoting Accountable Behavior

Why Should You Attend?

This presentation provides you with concepts and tools for understanding subconscious goals, reactions, and blind spots you and others operate from, often unconsciously, related to high or low accountability.

People leave with knowledge and strategies effective in inspiring responsible and accountable behavior rather than that which is resentful, mediocre, incomplete or non-existent.

Participants learn how to create conditions and conversation that support others in holding themselves accountable for consistent follow-through in which beliefs, responses, feelings and behaviors all line up.

Participants learn what fully aligned behavior looks, sounds and feels like, so they never settle for results due to a lack of awareness of what often transpires instead.

Participants learn to recognize the subtle and overt ways for how responsible, or NOT, people are for their tasks, results and outcomes and to recognize and help people shift their disengaged and misaligned, partial accountability, to behavior in which they buy-in to supporting you and others.

This is the only way you and those you lead can show up strong and committed so work gets done quickly as A+ quality rather than C- quality or worse. This topic is a game changer that supports people in following through on commitments, fully engaging and seeking excellence so everyone thrives and together, see rewards everywhere.

Who Will Benefit?

This topic most benefits:

  • Anyone that finds themselves completing projects or tasks for others and experiences ongoing frustration due to poor accountability and a lack of follow-through on commitments.
  • Anyone committed to create healthy relationships and greater success in life and work by addressing the social and emotional aspects of living in order to be exceptional.
  • Anyone ready to adopt new thinking and behaving proven to dissolve barriers and create unprecedented collaboration, unity, and love.
  • Those who want a common language, concepts and tools for creating responsibility, trust and teamwork.
  • Those who want to build healthy interpersonal skills so discouragement, struggles, and stress are greatly reduced.
  • VP and C-Suite Executives, Directors (in, but not limited to, Operations, HR, DEI, Technology, Agile or Digital Transformation)
  • Leaders in Corporate, Education, Government, Non-Profit, Society, etc. – where development of people is priority)
  • Supervisors, Managers and Team Leads
  • Mental Health and Wellness Practitioners
  • Those Involved in Mergers and Acquisitions

About Judy Ryan

JUDY RYAN is CEO of LifeWork Systems and a recognized thought leader on applied behavioral science that impacts deep culture change for exceptional outcomes. She is an award-winning author, columnist, system developer, consultant, trainer, keynote speaker and is frequently interviewed on TV, radio, and podcasts. Since 2002, Judy has been leading innovative methods to favorably impact the most important aspect of any organization: its people. She has created a digital, scalable culture transformation system and implementation framework. Judy’s purpose is to create a world in which all people love their lives.
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