Challenged by poor behavior in others, at work, home, in school or in society? Tired of harshness AND permissiveness as the only conventional choices in reaction to it? Consider: What do I do, think, and say when people annoy and irritate me, anger and provoke me, shock and hurt me, cause me to worry or pity them, or insult and invalidate me? Am looking for ways to gain cooperation with adults and children and effect change without diminishing myself or others?
In this presentation, participants learn about redirect, an alternative to harshness, punishment, permissiveness, or bribing to effect positive change when faced with under-performance and counter-productive behavior. While this program addresses conflict, it goes way beyond it and includes what to do when someone seeks undue attention, is frequently prickly and shocking, has no faith in themselves, or act so smug and superior, you think, “Who died and made you God?” Participants come away from this topic with a working knowledge of the principles, tools and practices for applying Redirect, an effective, emotionally intelligent and positive alternative method for shifting negative behavior, all while building close, caring and responsible relationships.
Areas Covered in This Presentation
Why Should You Attend?
This is a challenging time. You and many others are distressed by witnessing record amounts of discouraging and negative behavior and struggles, playing out as inequality, disrespect, violence, irresponsibility, greed, blaming, corruption, and much more. You should attend this presentation if you are disheartened by this and could use help in understanding what separates people and causes negative behavior. To make matters worse, you may feel like so many who are stuck because they have been conditioned to act in either over-powering or under-powering ways. You may realize this but fear being too permissive or too harsh or too coercive. You may reluctantly line up these two options as the only ones available. And…that’s why you may be stuck.
The reason you should attend this program is right in front of you: The incredible amount of negative behavior in every setting. As Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again, hoping for a different result.” You should attend this topic if you want to learn about creating a different result from those behaving negatively so that your environment goes from toxic to healthy.
Who Will Benefit?
This topic most benefits: