Being Straightforward Is Vital To Leadership

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Being straightforward is not always easy, even for leaders. Hear one supervisor share how learning to be straightforward made a positive difference to him as a leader.

Testimonial Transcript

Supervisor Dave: I think the biggest surprise for me was I thought I had myself figured out. I found out as I went through this process, I thought I was being straightforward in full disclosure. That’s the big moment for me. When I realized that I was being such a nice person, that I was beating around the bush a lot of time, that straightforward and full disclosure, I wasn’t really doing it to the best of my ability, and it was it was negative or affecting my relationships with everybody around me. So when I figured that out, I think I became a more effective manager. I got to the point a little quicker. I drew the line in the sand and I made things happen.

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