Healthy Culture = Less Stress

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Healthy culture reduces stress and improves mental health for every person at every level. Listen to this former hospital CEO describe how and why this is true.

Testimonial Transcript

I’m Kevin Shrake and I’m the Executive Vice President Chief Operating Officer of MDR. I was a former hospital CEO. I I equate a manager’s role in an organization that doesn’t have a system like yours to go into work every day and being nibbled to death by a pack of ducks okay not every not any one nibble will kill you but the little cumulative effect of all those nibbles will just it’ll take you down and so um I fully understand and appreciate that that manager’s comment about coming back from vacation and doing it with ease because the ship was running fine what having a system in place does is allows everyone to know how to behave how to act and how to interact and so there’s not this constant scenario the manager having to police that and having all the stress of every single situation

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