Story of Peer Conflict Resolution

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When conflict resolution is lacking amongst leaders, this pollutes their teamwork and that between the members of their individual departments. Hear how two managers resolved conflict magically in one session.

Testimonial Transcript

Manager Christen: I have lots of stories of using LifeWork tools, but the biggest one at work was the colleague and I, the peer and I, who were not getting along well. We sat down and we were mentored through using the dialogue tool. And we came in at odds totally blaming each other, throwing each other under the bus, not trusting each other. We went in and we came out and there was an understanding. I was probably so upset that I was almost in tears from anger and not being recognized, and I went out feeling that this person completely heard me, and I had a brand new view of what they wanted, that I just didn’t even recognize before. And out of that one dialogue tool, one session, just one session where we were both all in and willing, they made some changes so I felt heard, and I made some changes, and my team made some changes so they felt heard. And it was it felt almost overnight, but there was such an interest in helping the other person that hadn’t been there before, and an understanding. It was – I almost describe it as magic sometimes when I think about it.

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