Healthy Venting Story

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The healthy venting tool supports the expression of one’s feelings and purposes to make improvements without turning into gossip. Hear one employee’s humble story about the value of engaging in healthy venting.

Testimonial Transcript

Shelonda: A co-worker of mine called me over to her desk to show me something, and before she can get through her entire statement of what she wanted to tell me and show me, I interrupted her and went into my own observation. Of course, the end conversation did not end on a good note. We both were a little frustrated at the end of it. So then later on, I used the tool of healthy venting, and I kind of talked through the situation with someone, and when I did that, I was able to realize that I wasn’t being really receptive and respectful of her, and what she was trying to show me. And using that tool -because healthy venting is not about what anybody did wrong. It’s about understanding the situation so that I can move forward and and have a good relationship with my co-worker. So then I was able to work through that process and then talk to her and get on better terms.

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